Partnership Family Resource Center lililililil SCAN QR CODE TO LEARN MORE AND DONATE (719) 686-0705 701 Gold Hill Place, WP CAPITAL CAMPAIGN! Help us raise the final $300,000 by 12/31/22! Receive a 25% tax credit when you donate to CP's building project. Donation Amount CO Enterprise Zone Credit Est. Federal Tax Savings (35% tax bracket) Est. Colorado Tax Savings (4.36% tax bracket) Total Tax Savings Returned to you at tax time Net Cost of Contribution $25,000 $50,000 ($6,250) ($12,500) $10,000 ($2,500) ($3,500) ($8,750) ($17,500) ($463) ($1,157.50) ($2,315) $6,463 $16,157.50 $3,537 $8,842.50 *Example is based on a 35% tax bracket. Verify your particular situation with your income tax preparer. $32,315 $17,685 RESSURE GOAL: $1,235,000 75% $926,250 1 THANING Partnership Family Resource Center lililililil SCAN QR CODE TO LEARN MORE AND DONATE ( 719 ) 686-0705 701 Gold Hill Place , WP CAPITAL CAMPAIGN ! Help us raise the final $ 300,000 by 12/31/22 ! Receive a 25 % tax credit when you donate to CP's building project . Donation Amount CO Enterprise Zone Credit Est . Federal Tax Savings ( 35 % tax bracket ) Est . Colorado Tax Savings ( 4.36 % tax bracket ) Total Tax Savings Returned to you at tax time Net Cost of Contribution $ 25,000 $ 50,000 ( $ 6,250 ) ( $ 12,500 ) $ 10,000 ( $ 2,500 ) ( $ 3,500 ) ( $ 8,750 ) ( $ 17,500 ) ( $ 463 ) ( $ 1,157.50 ) ( $ 2,315 ) $ 6,463 $ 16,157.50 $ 3,537 $ 8,842.50 * Example is based on a 35 % tax bracket . Verify your particular situation with your income tax preparer . $ 32,315 $ 17,685 RESSURE GOAL : $ 1,235,000 75 % $ 926,250 1 THANING