ive Growing philanthropy in the Pikes Peak Region Starting Nov. Ist thru Dec. 31st Give! is a year-end philanthropic initiative created to encourage everyone in the Pikes Peak Region to give back and get involved with local non-profits. mmunity artnership All donations matehed by: 11115 W. Hwy 24, Ste 2D Divide, cO 80814 719-686-0705 www.cpteller.org NEWMONT Family Resource Center Ways you ean participate... Visit www.indygive.com/CPFRC and DONATE ommunity Presented hy: Ule Pass Brewery Hosted by: The Coantry Lodge ive Live Here. Give Here. artnership uth The CP team invites you to participate in this fun year-end campaign to give where you live annual tickets!! www.indy give.com CPERC Come out for Happy Hour Fridav,Novemher 30th 1pm 7pm New Silent Auction hems incloding 4 tickets to a Bronces game Bier Werks $15 PRE-SALE UTE FASS BREERY Sring red and Tastings Loratinn The Sunday November IIth Other ways you ean participate. Vibil nnw.imhgecom CPERC and IMIN TE Lodge ive Proceeds for the evening wil be donated to Community CALL 719.686 8122 NEWMONT Partnership