ommunity GED Preparation and Classes artnership Family Resource Center GED Class Registration: Wed., August 22nd, 2018 8am-1pm Franklin Ferguson Library (Cripple Creek) Monday, August 27th, 2018 10am-3pm Community Partnership (Divide) Classes: Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00 11:oo am Cripple Creek (Franklin Ferguson Memorial Library) (be prepared to stay the entire time unch will be served) Child Care is provided upon request! $40 enrollment fee For more info: kO 12:00 3:00 pm Divide (Community Partnership) Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00 8:0o pm Woodland Park High School Ready to take your GED exam? Take advantage of the ONLY Pearson Viue GED testing center in Teller County! 719-686-0705 Hours: Wednesdays 12pm -8pm Community Partnership Family Resource Center 11115 W. Hwy 24, Ste 2D, Divide CO 8o814 719-686-0705 Activities available across Teller County include: Family Support Services, GED Test Prep- aration and Testing, Early Childhood Education, Parenting Programs, Cooking and Nutri tion Classes, Adult Exercise, Community Gardens, Parent Engagement, and Basic Needs Services.