SPENCERS PRODUCE, LAWN & GARDEN CENTER 29th ANNUAL FREE Garden Success Show MARCH 7TH & 8TH, 9AM-5PM MARCH 9, 10AM-4PM Join us for our 29th Garden Success Show seminar series and kick-off to our 91st spring in business! We have a great lineup of speakers from Spencer's and our trusted colleagues. Visit www.spencersgardens.com to sign up. Registration is FREE but space is limited so you must reserve your spot. FRIDAY, MARCH 7TH 9:15 A.M. Lawn Care for the Pikes Peak Region Learn about best lawn care practices. 10:30 A.M. Fertilizing for Success We'll talk about different fertilizers and their applications. 11:45 A.M. Raised Bed & Alternative Space Gardening We'll discuss and demonstrate ways to successfully grow in small areas. 1:00 P.M. Triumphant Tomatoes Learn what it takes to grow the best vegetables! 2:15 P.M. The Unrooted Cutting Process Learn the basics of propagation. 3:30 P.M. Seed Starting Made Simple This intro class will discuss best seeds for indoor starting and more! SATURDAY, MARCH 8TH 9:15 A.M. Insect Pest Control With Daniel Chimeno of Fertilome and Mike Spencer. If you've ever struggled with aphids, grubs, mites, and other pests, we've got the solution. 10:30 A.M. Growing Culinary Herbs from Garden to Table Learn how to cultivate, care for, and harvest a variety of kitchen herbs. 11:45 A.M. Welby's What's New? Welby Gardens presents one of our favorites, "What's New For 2025" annuals and perennials. 1:00 P.M. Peak Picks: Exploring New Trees and Shrubs for the Pikes Peak Palette Dave Dickey of Schmidt Van Essen Nursery highlights new varieties for our region and will feature some in store. 2:15 P.M. Designing and Planting Beautiful Flower Pots Ernie Koppisch of Spencer's demonstrates his method of choosing flowers, planting, and maintaining for a gorgeous display of living color. 3:30 P.M. Soil Composition and Its Role in Plant Health Justin from FoxFarm talks about the importance of soil health and its impact on your plants. SUNDAY, MARCH 9TH 10:15 A.M. Lawn Care for the Pikes Peak Region 11:30 A.M. Flourishing Nursery Stock for Our Region Mark Wallace from Monrovia will talk about trees, shrubs, vines, and peonies that work well in the Pikes Peak region. 12:30 P.M. Winged Predators! Nature's Educators share their LIVE ambassadors with you! 1:30 P.M. Green-ish Thumb Vegetable Gardening Heather Gunnerson of Spencer's delves into vegetable gardening basics. 2:45 P.M. Beautiful Roses: A Simple Guide to Growing and Nurturing Maren Goltz discusses the basics of rose care in the Pikes Peak region. For more information, follow us on Facebook or visit SpencersGardens.com 4720 Center Valley Drive, Fountain, CO 719-392-2726 SPENCERS PRODUCE , LAWN & GARDEN CENTER 29th ANNUAL FREE Garden Success Show MARCH 7TH & 8TH , 9 AM-5PM MARCH 9 , 10 AM-4PM Join us for our 29th Garden Success Show seminar series and kick - off to our 91st spring in business ! We have a great lineup of speakers from Spencer's and our trusted colleagues . Visit www.spencersgardens.com to sign up . Registration is FREE but space is limited so you must reserve your spot . FRIDAY , MARCH 7TH 9:15 A.M. Lawn Care for the Pikes Peak Region Learn about best lawn care practices . 10:30 A.M. Fertilizing for Success We'll talk about different fertilizers and their applications . 11:45 A.M. Raised Bed & Alternative Space Gardening We'll discuss and demonstrate ways to successfully grow in small areas . 1:00 P.M. Triumphant Tomatoes Learn what it takes to grow the best vegetables ! 2:15 P.M. The Unrooted Cutting Process Learn the basics of propagation . 3:30 P.M. Seed Starting Made Simple This intro class will discuss best seeds for indoor starting and more ! SATURDAY , MARCH 8TH 9:15 A.M. Insect Pest Control With Daniel Chimeno of Fertilome and Mike Spencer . If you've ever struggled with aphids , grubs , mites , and other pests , we've got the solution . 10:30 A.M. Growing Culinary Herbs from Garden to Table Learn how to cultivate , care for , and harvest a variety of kitchen herbs . 11:45 A.M. Welby's What's New ? Welby Gardens presents one of our favorites , " What's New For 2025 " annuals and perennials . 1:00 P.M. Peak Picks : Exploring New Trees and Shrubs for the Pikes Peak Palette Dave Dickey of Schmidt Van Essen Nursery highlights new varieties for our region and will feature some in store . 2:15 P.M. Designing and Planting Beautiful Flower Pots Ernie Koppisch of Spencer's demonstrates his method of choosing flowers , planting , and maintaining for a gorgeous display of living color . 3:30 P.M. Soil Composition and Its Role in Plant Health Justin from FoxFarm talks about the importance of soil health and its impact on your plants . SUNDAY , MARCH 9TH 10:15 A.M. Lawn Care for the Pikes Peak Region 11:30 A.M. Flourishing Nursery Stock for Our Region Mark Wallace from Monrovia will talk about trees , shrubs , vines , and peonies that work well in the Pikes Peak region . 12:30 P.M. Winged Predators ! Nature's Educators share their LIVE ambassadors with you ! 1:30 P.M. Green - ish Thumb Vegetable Gardening Heather Gunnerson of Spencer's delves into vegetable gardening basics . 2:45 P.M. Beautiful Roses : A Simple Guide to Growing and Nurturing Maren Goltz discusses the basics of rose care in the Pikes Peak region . For more information , follow us on Facebook or visit SpencersGardens.com 4720 Center Valley Drive , Fountain , CO 719-392-2726