IQUOR WELCOME ALABIN LID WOR FIEST LOGEN plastic cu Simply Done Cups (30) $2.99 KARNA LAWRY'S STEAK & CHOP OPEN Til-9pm. MARMAR LAWRY'S TERIYAKI LAWRY'S marinades $2.99 Groceries Souvenirs Apparel 15M www MA LAWRY'S HERB&GARLIC PASTARONI $1.89 PASTA RONI geen Florissant MERCANTILE Colorado 200 CHICKEN MEMA Pairs perfectly with chicken croquettes or burgers! Sale Aug 3rd - Aug 9th PASTA RONI FOUR CHEESE CORKSCREW PASTA Daisy SOUR CREAM Pure & Natural PASTA RONI ANGEL HAIR PASTA WITH HERBS 1960 MINUTE 16oz Daisy Sour Cream $2.69 Daisy SOUR CREAM Pure & Natural We Carry Items for ALL Your Needs Fresh Produce/Fruit Meat Dairy Bakery Items Seasonal Items Fishing/Hunting Licenses Lotto Liquor 2839 W US-Hwy 24 (719) 748-8080 IQUOR WELCOME ALABIN LID WOR FIEST LOGEN plastic cu Simply Done Cups ( 30 ) $ 2.99 KARNA LAWRY'S STEAK & CHOP OPEN Til - 9pm . MARMAR LAWRY'S TERIYAKI LAWRY'S marinades $ 2.99 Groceries Souvenirs Apparel 15M www MA LAWRY'S HERB & GARLIC PASTARONI $ 1.89 PASTA RONI geen Florissant MERCANTILE Colorado 200 CHICKEN MEMA Pairs perfectly with chicken croquettes or burgers ! Sale Aug 3rd - Aug 9th PASTA RONI FOUR CHEESE CORKSCREW PASTA Daisy SOUR CREAM Pure & Natural PASTA RONI ANGEL HAIR PASTA WITH HERBS 1960 MINUTE 16oz Daisy Sour Cream $ 2.69 Daisy SOUR CREAM Pure & Natural We Carry Items for ALL Your Needs Fresh Produce / Fruit Meat Dairy Bakery Items Seasonal Items Fishing / Hunting Licenses Lotto Liquor 2839 W US - Hwy 24 ( 719 ) 748-8080