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    July 27, 2022
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IQUOR WELCOME ALABIN LIDUR Phon ROOL LIGHN Pork & Beans $1.49 add flavor to life food club 1945 hokus pokus sweetened frosted on *EDINTA frosted flakes OPEN Til-9pm add Cereals $3.49-$3.99 Havor to life fruit & cream( variety instant oatmeal Instant Oatmeal $3.29 10-123 02 PACKETS TWIT1236 02 () Florissant MERCANTILE En. 1997 10 Colorado We S181 Van Camps PORK BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE Pork & Beans $1.49 food club granulated sugar $3.99 mac & cheese $1.39 food club Sale July 27th - Aug 2nd We Carry Items for ALL Your Needs Fresh Produce/Fruit * Meat * Dairy * Bakery Items Groceries Souvenirs * Apparel * Seasonal Items * Fishing/Hunting Licenses * Lotto * Liquor macaroni cheese ner 17.2502 (20) Flaver 2839 W US-Hwy 24 (719) 748-8080 10 food club 1945 IQUOR WELCOME ALABIN LIDUR Phon ROOL LIGHN Pork & Beans $ 1.49 add flavor to life food club 1945 hokus pokus sweetened frosted on * EDINTA frosted flakes OPEN Til - 9pm add Cereals $ 3.49- $ 3.99 Havor to life fruit & cream ( variety instant oatmeal Instant Oatmeal $ 3.29 10-123 02 PACKETS TWIT1236 02 ( ) Florissant MERCANTILE En . 1997 10 Colorado We S181 Van Camps PORK BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE Pork & Beans $ 1.49 food club granulated sugar $ 3.99 mac & cheese $ 1.39 food club Sale July 27th - Aug 2nd We Carry Items for ALL Your Needs Fresh Produce / Fruit * Meat * Dairy * Bakery Items Groceries Souvenirs * Apparel * Seasonal Items * Fishing / Hunting Licenses * Lotto * Liquor macaroni cheese ner 17.2502 ( 20 ) Flaver 2839 W US - Hwy 24 ( 719 ) 748-8080 10 food club 1945