HEARING LOSS? WE CAN HELP! RECONNECT WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE THROUGH BETTER HEARING Did you know.. Untreated hearing loss can lead to isolation, memory problems, and even dementia? Recent research by John Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging suggests that people with untreated hearing loss are more likely to develop memory problems. The strain of decoding compromised sound and isolation of hearing loss increase the risk for dementia and other cognitive disorders. Dr. Bill Herholtz, CCC-A, F-AAA Dr. Megan Mobley, CCC-A, F-AAA Clinical Audiologist Clinical Audiologist Dr. Herholtz and his family have been helping people hear better for 3 generations. He was Southern Colorado's first Doctor of Audiolgy AuD, and has been serving this community for over 20 years. He practices the golden rule providing advanced, effective. and professional solutions for his patients, regardless of their budget Dr. Mobley joined the Apex Audiology team in June of this year after completing her one year residency with Dr. Herholtz. She is compassionate about providing those seeking help with their hearing problems with professional and courteous care utilizing the latest methods and technology on the market. APEX 1902 W. Colorado Ave., Ste. 100-719-247-9000 m AUDIOLOGY.. www. APEXAUDIOLOGY.COM THREE GENERATIONS OF EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST