We keep you plugged in.
Intermountain Rural Electric Association’s 5,000-square-mile service territory includes portions of 11 counties to the east, west and south of Denver. With more than 150,000 members, IREA is one of the largest and fastest-growing member-owned electric distribution cooperatives in the U.S. Because IREA has no stockholders, our profits are returned to members through capital credit refund checks.
IREA buys wholesale power from Xcel Energy and the Western Area Power Administration. We also receive power from the Comanche Unit 3, a supercritical, pulverized coal plant in Pueblo. That plant is operated by Xcel, but IREA owns 25.3% of the plant and its output.
IREA’s headquarters is located in Sedalia, Colorado, about 20 miles south of Denver. We also have district offices in Strasburg, Conifer and Woodland Park.