K Kiwanis Monument Hill Club Monument Hill Kiwanis Club Kiwanis Youth Service Leadership Clubs & Tri-Lakes Cares Present TRI-LAKES CARES Wed., Oct. 12, 2022 5:00 - 7:30 pm 2022 Empty Bowls Dinner & Silent Auction Lewis-Palmer High School Tickets: $25 in advance $30 at the door Proceeds to benefit Tri-Lakes Cares!! Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Tri-Lakes Cares Pantry! One child under 12 yrs. FREE with each purchased ticket. Checks payable to: Monument Hill Kiwanis Ticket Includes: MONUMENT HILL Dinner of Soup, Bread, Drink & Dessert Handmade Bowl donated by local artist KIWANIS . Advance Tickets Now Available Online at www.MHKiwanis.org. Click on the bowls photo to purchase tickets Clay N Colors, Monument . COLORADO Coffee Cup, Monument Covered Treasures Bookstore, Monument . Hamula Orthodontics, Monument Rock House Ice Cream & More, Palmer Lake Serranos Coffee, Monument . . Photo by Bonnie Nasser . Taste of Life, Monument The Wine Seller, Palmer Lake Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce, Monument Tri-Lakes Printing, Monument For Information, contact Pete Peterson 714-271-5947 or EmptyBowlsMHK@gmail.com K Kiwanis Monument Hill Club Monument Hill Kiwanis Club Kiwanis Youth Service Leadership Clubs & Tri - Lakes Cares Present TRI - LAKES CARES Wed. , Oct. 12 , 2022 5:00 - 7:30 pm 2022 Empty Bowls Dinner & Silent Auction Lewis - Palmer High School Tickets : $ 25 in advance $ 30 at the door Proceeds to benefit Tri - Lakes Cares !! Please bring a non - perishable food item for the Tri - Lakes Cares Pantry ! One child under 12 yrs . FREE with each purchased ticket . Checks payable to : Monument Hill Kiwanis Ticket Includes : MONUMENT HILL Dinner of Soup , Bread , Drink & Dessert Handmade Bowl donated by local artist KIWANIS . Advance Tickets Now Available Online at www.MHKiwanis.org . Click on the bowls photo to purchase tickets Clay N Colors , Monument . COLORADO Coffee Cup , Monument Covered Treasures Bookstore , Monument . Hamula Orthodontics , Monument Rock House Ice Cream & More , Palmer Lake Serranos Coffee , Monument . . Photo by Bonnie Nasser . Taste of Life , Monument The Wine Seller , Palmer Lake Tri - Lakes Chamber of Commerce , Monument Tri - Lakes Printing , Monument For Information , contact Pete Peterson 714-271-5947 or EmptyBowlsMHK@gmail.com