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  • Published Date

    November 6, 2020
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IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING SECURITY INCIDENT Luottica of America, inc. CLunotica)is an owner of andor service provider to eye care practices across the country. We recenty learmed that on August seh an unauthored penon accessed the Luxottica-managed web application used tor appointment scheduling Individuals who recenty made appointments with eye care providers at the locations below may have been impasted. On August, 2000, Lunottica leamed of the incident, contained t, and mmedately began an inventigation to determine the extunt of the incident On August 20, 2000, we preliminarly concluded that the attacker may have accessed and acqured patent intomation The personal intormation involved in this incident may have included: rame, contact intormation, appointment date and time, health inurance polcy number, doctor or appointment notes that may indicate intormation retated to ye care treatment, such as prescriptions. health conditions or procedures Lusottca is not aware of any mieuse of penonal intormation or ham to patients as a resut of this incident. Nonethelens, we encourage potantally Impacted individuaah to remain viglant. f you Gncover any sunpicioun activity on your accounts or tyou sunpect identity thet or frad eportit wnediately to your heath plan or insurer We regret that this incident occurred and take our data protection renponsbilibes very seriously. We have takan meanures to enhance our security controls and prevent this type of incident from ecurmg neluding implementing addtioral access restrictons on our patient Scheduling plartom We also noefed tedersi aw entorcement of thie matter On October 27, 2020, Lusotica wil begin maling notice of the incidert to impacted paterts for whom the eye care practces below tad curent maling addresses. Individuals seeking adatonal ntormation can calt tol tree to 87 s40-1431 within the US. and Canad or visit Luxottica.krot.com. Pease know that we regret any inconvenience or concem thie Incident may cause IMPACTED COLORADO PRACTICE/DOCTOR NAMES AND ADDRESSES CV Eyecare LLC T50 Citadel Dr East, Colorado prnga CV Eyecare, LLC 3810 Boomington St Colorado Spring CV Eyecare LLC er0 Prominent Pont NE. Colorado Springs MCAllister, Lloyd 3346 Cinema Pot Colorado Springe IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING SECURITY INCIDENT Luottica of America, inc. CLunotica)is an owner of andor service provider to eye care practices across the country. We recenty learmed that on August seh an unauthored penon accessed the Luxottica-managed web application used tor appointment scheduling Individuals who recenty made appointments with eye care providers at the locations below may have been impasted. On August, 2000, Lunottica leamed of the incident, contained t, and mmedately began an inventigation to determine the extunt of the incident On August 20, 2000, we preliminarly concluded that the attacker may have accessed and acqured patent intomation The personal intormation involved in this incident may have included: rame, contact intormation, appointment date and time, health inurance polcy number, doctor or appointment notes that may indicate intormation retated to ye care treatment, such as prescriptions. health conditions or procedures Lusottca is not aware of any mieuse of penonal intormation or ham to patients as a resut of this incident. Nonethelens, we encourage potantally Impacted individuaah to remain viglant. f you Gncover any sunpicioun activity on your accounts or tyou sunpect identity thet or frad eportit wnediately to your heath plan or insurer We regret that this incident occurred and take our data protection renponsbilibes very seriously. We have takan meanures to enhance our security controls and prevent this type of incident from ecurmg neluding implementing addtioral access restrictons on our patient Scheduling plartom We also noefed tedersi aw entorcement of thie matter On October 27, 2020, Lusotica wil begin maling notice of the incidert to impacted paterts for whom the eye care practces below tad curent maling addresses. Individuals seeking adatonal ntormation can calt tol tree to 87 s40-1431 within the US. and Canad or visit Luxottica.krot.com. Pease know that we regret any inconvenience or concem thie Incident may cause IMPACTED COLORADO PRACTICE/DOCTOR NAMES AND ADDRESSES CV Eyecare LLC T50 Citadel Dr East, Colorado prnga CV Eyecare, LLC 3810 Boomington St Colorado Spring CV Eyecare LLC er0 Prominent Pont NE. Colorado Springs MCAllister, Lloyd 3346 Cinema Pot Colorado Springe