Southwest 50 years. One Heart. The last 50 years have flown by. Here's to getting to serve you for the next 50. 2021 + Southwest' turns 50 and Heart lands in Colorado Springs. We proudly began serving Colorado Springs in March and have loved every minute of it. nunch of important stuff that led us 1971 + Southwest was born on a napkin. The business plan for a new airline was famously written on a napkin. It would fly short-haul routes in Texas to offer customers affordable and quick commutes. Wanna learn what else helped us become the airline with Heart? Go to Southwest 50 years. One Heart. The last 50 years have flown by. Here's to getting to serve you for the next 50. 2021 + Southwest' turns 50 and Heart lands in Colorado Springs. We proudly began serving Colorado Springs in March and have loved every minute of it. nunch of important stuff that led us 1971 + Southwest was born on a napkin. The business plan for a new airline was famously written on a napkin. It would fly short-haul routes in Texas to offer customers affordable and quick commutes. Wanna learn what else helped us become the airline with Heart? Go to