NEUROPATHY BREAKTHROUGH NO PILLS, NO INJECTIONS, NO SURGERY | Patients saw an 87% reduction in pain symptoms. CALL 719-301-5781 OR TEXT NUMB" TO 21000 $249 VALUE Positive Trea Improved Pain Free Sleeping Reduced Swelling OPATHY EVALUATION More blood flow in legs & feet Do you suffer from numbness, tingling, and burning sensations? Call us today. INCLUDES PERSONAL CONSULTATION, X-RAYS, AND EXAM! Dr. Joshua Logan, D.C., B.C.N. O Tue North 13860 GLENEAGLE DRIVE, COLORADO SPRINGS NEUROPATHY Explies Nov TRUENORTHNEUROPATHY.COM NEUROPATHY BREAKTHROUGH NO PILLS, NO INJECTIONS, NO SURGERY | Patients saw an 87% reduction in pain symptoms. CALL 719-301-5781 OR TEXT NUMB" TO 21000 $249 VALUE Positive Trea Improved Pain Free Sleeping Reduced Swelling OPATHY EVALUATION More blood flow in legs & feet Do you suffer from numbness, tingling, and burning sensations? Call us today. INCLUDES PERSONAL CONSULTATION, X-RAYS, AND EXAM! Dr. Joshua Logan, D.C., B.C.N. O Tue North 13860 GLENEAGLE DRIVE, COLORADO SPRINGS NEUROPATHY Explies Nov TRUENORTHNEUROPATHY.COM