K/ Koelsch COMMUNITIES Memory care as distinctive as she is. Serving those with a form of alzheimer's or dementia isn't an afterthought-it's the only thought. 2 year rent lock' available to all new depositors by Dec. 1, 2020. MEMORY CARE Springs Ranch springsranchmemorycare.com Call now to lock in your rate. / (719) 657-7613 3315 Emmett View Dr. / Colorado Springs, CO A "Rate lock does not pertain to level of care services. K/ Koelsch COMMUNITIES Memory care as distinctive as she is. Serving those with a form of alzheimer's or dementia isn't an afterthought-it's the only thought. 2 year rent lock' available to all new depositors by Dec. 1, 2020. MEMORY CARE Springs Ranch springsranchmemorycare.com Call now to lock in your rate. / (719) 657-7613 3315 Emmett View Dr. / Colorado Springs, CO A "Rate lock does not pertain to level of care services.