Best Birdseed in Town We offer Four Non Millet Blends- Don't pay for waste! 20% Off Sunflower Chips No Shells = No Mess! Any Birdfeeder! Get started bird 50* only $59.99! watching today! Best Price in town - Limit 1 - Offer expires 06-15-20. No combination discounts. Must present coupon. Offer expires 06-30-20. Backyard Birding, Island Orchids, Nature Gifts 2204 W Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Songbird Orchid and 719-475-1700 the M-F 9:30-5, Sat 10-4 Best Birdseed in Town We offer Four Non Millet Blends- Don't pay for waste! 20% Off Sunflower Chips No Shells = No Mess! Any Birdfeeder! Get started bird 50* only $59.99! watching today! Best Price in town - Limit 1 - Offer expires 06-15-20. No combination discounts. Must present coupon. Offer expires 06-30-20. Backyard Birding, Island Orchids, Nature Gifts 2204 W Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Songbird Orchid and 719-475-1700 the M-F 9:30-5, Sat 10-4