Rick's Memorial Garden Center DAY SALE May 29th - June 4th 15% OFF All Pond Plants In Stock $1 OFF Any Gallon Size Perennial (Limit 3) $10 OFF Any Tree $79.99 and up (Limit 3 ot $10 off ea) $2 OFF Gorila Hair Mulch (Limit 5) $15 OFF Any Tree $149.99 and up (Limit 3 at $15 off ea) $1 OFF Mushroom Compost (Limit 5) $7.50 OFF Any Hanging Basket (Limit 2) $1 OFF Any EKO Product (Organic Compost. Clay Buster, Lawn Top Dressing) ferti-lome GUARD ferti-lome 10% OFF Fertilone ater Seluble Natural Guard 20. bag Humie AciM 2 for $37 10% OFF Feren (AR-Purpose, Beoming & Roting and Aid Lving Fertien) Fertileme Roet Stieulater Any Sie 15% OFF Fertilome Tree & Shrub Drench Systemie Insecticide (any sine) $3 OFFF Stop Fungicide Granules 10 . bag 15% OFF Fertilome Triple Action Insecticide (any se) 15% OFF Any Natural Guard Organkc Fertilirer $5 OFF fertiome Tree & Shrub Food 20 . bag 15% OFF Natural Guard Spinesad Products OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 1827 W. Uintah Street 632-8491 www.RicksGarden.com West of 1-25 across from Uintah Shopping Center Open Memorial Day 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Memorial Day deas god from May 2 - une . Deals cannet be combined with any ether offers, dincounts or coupos. Net vald on prevlous parchases Rick's Memorial Garden Center DAY SALE May 29th - June 4th 15% OFF All Pond Plants In Stock $1 OFF Any Gallon Size Perennial (Limit 3) $10 OFF Any Tree $79.99 and up (Limit 3 ot $10 off ea) $2 OFF Gorila Hair Mulch (Limit 5) $15 OFF Any Tree $149.99 and up (Limit 3 at $15 off ea) $1 OFF Mushroom Compost (Limit 5) $7.50 OFF Any Hanging Basket (Limit 2) $1 OFF Any EKO Product (Organic Compost. Clay Buster, Lawn Top Dressing) ferti-lome GUARD ferti-lome 10% OFF Fertilone ater Seluble Natural Guard 20. bag Humie AciM 2 for $37 10% OFF Feren (AR-Purpose, Beoming & Roting and Aid Lving Fertien) Fertileme Roet Stieulater Any Sie 15% OFF Fertilome Tree & Shrub Drench Systemie Insecticide (any sine) $3 OFFF Stop Fungicide Granules 10 . bag 15% OFF Fertilome Triple Action Insecticide (any se) 15% OFF Any Natural Guard Organkc Fertilirer $5 OFF fertiome Tree & Shrub Food 20 . bag 15% OFF Natural Guard Spinesad Products OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 1827 W. Uintah Street 632-8491 www.RicksGarden.com West of 1-25 across from Uintah Shopping Center Open Memorial Day 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Memorial Day deas god from May 2 - une . Deals cannet be combined with any ether offers, dincounts or coupos. Net vald on prevlous parchases