This sponsored feature provided by Police Foundation of Colorado Springs Today's Featured Profile: Colorado Springs Police Department Fiscal Services Unit Deputy Chief Mark Smith said "it's hard to overstate the importance of the police department's Fiscal Services Unit. Bottom line, we sim ply could not operate without them chasing important equipment, coordinating training and trav- el requests and managing the financial aspects of state and federal grants." McCauley and her staff un derstand the ramifications of Nancy McCauley supervises the unit that provides fiscal o lelt hery Rea, Paricia Lykes and Plen Benson of geting and spending is part of accountability while work- the police department's Fiscal Services Unit ing closely with City Finance "We provide procurement, ac- command staff as we make said. "We understand we are counts payable, accounts re- decisions impacting the effec- being trusted to use tax dollars ceivable, grants administration tiveness of department opera- sensibly and we take that re- and budgeting services to the police department," she said. McCauley, along with Chery "The department's account- Rea, Patricia Lykes and Plern rado Springs thanks the Col ability starts with Chief (Pete) Benson, oversee the day to orado Springs Police Depart their duties. "Responsible bud- the department's culture," she tions." sponsibility very seriously Police Foundation of Colo- y and flows through the day use of the department's ment's Fiscal Services Unit for allotted budget, ensuring that its dedicated service to the de- rest of the staff partment and our community Deputy Chief Smith said Mc- the department stays in line Cauley "has what I can only with the City's and the depart- describe as an unmatched ment's strategic budget plans. knowledge of the financial " that's not enough," saidthe Foundation and its POLIC operations of the depart Deputy Chief Smith, "the unit ment. She provides critical also provides a wide variety of www.policefoundationof information and advice to the other services to include To learn more about mission, visit COLORADO SPRINGS