20 Rotary CHAMPIONS BOY'S OVERALL Jeth Fogg Thomas MacLaren School GIRL'S OVERALL Chay Neumeyer Doherty IAN WEIKEL CHAMPION OF SERVICE AWARD Myla Wolf Coronado It is InBank's honor to recognize and celebrate the local student athletes whose hard work has qualified them to be a Rotary Champion. Lauren Kachel InBank Youth Salute Sydney Cowan Society has no greater gift than the hope of a new generation full of great leaders. InBank proudly supports the Rotary Champions Foundation of the Pikes Peak Region and the youth who embody their mission of service, academic excellence, and athletic accomplishment. May you use what you have learned to have a positive impact on the world around you. IN Joshua Harvey Emily Huxtable Demetruis Brown Wyatt Fruda Noah Schneiderman Annika Hammarquist Erin Gray Brooke Ballenger Kayla Banks Benjamin Homan William Simpfendorfer Julia Thomas Chay Neumeyer Jaxson Gutowski Natalie Jansky Adelaide Rowell Isaac Eilmes Takaya Montez De Oca Shelby Lashley Ty Leonard Jeth Fogg Hannah Miller Faith Evans Hannah Brown CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN 1580 E. Cheyenne Mountain Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 719.579.9150 INT 23 ROTARY Liberty Rampart Widefield Cheyenne MT Liberty Discovery Canyon Coronado Cheyenne MT Liberty Palmer Ridge Lewis Palmer Doherty Palmer Ridge Discovery Canyon Doherty Coronado Palmer Ridge Cheyenne MT Cheyenne MT TIONAL Palmer Lewis Palmer Coronado Thomas MacLaren Palmer Ridge Liberty Liberty Boy's Basketball Girl's Basketball Football Boy's Lacrosse Boy's Cross Country Girl's Cross Country Girl's Soccer Girl's Tennis Ice Hockey Baseball Boy's Golf Girl's Golf Gymnastics Track & Field Girl's Girl's Swimming Track & Field Boy's Girl's Lacrosse Girl's Volleyball Boy's Swimming Boy's Tennis Wrestling Girl's Wrestling Boy's Boy's Soccer Field Hockey Softball Spirit IN BANK INBANK.COM FOME 20 Rotary CHAMPIONS BOY'S OVERALL Jeth Fogg Thomas MacLaren School GIRL'S OVERALL Chay Neumeyer Doherty IAN WEIKEL CHAMPION OF SERVICE AWARD Myla Wolf Coronado It is InBank's honor to recognize and celebrate the local student athletes whose hard work has qualified them to be a Rotary Champion . Lauren Kachel InBank Youth Salute Sydney Cowan Society has no greater gift than the hope of a new generation full of great leaders . InBank proudly supports the Rotary Champions Foundation of the Pikes Peak Region and the youth who embody their mission of service , academic excellence , and athletic accomplishment . May you use what you have learned to have a positive impact on the world around you . IN Joshua Harvey Emily Huxtable Demetruis Brown Wyatt Fruda Noah Schneiderman Annika Hammarquist Erin Gray Brooke Ballenger Kayla Banks Benjamin Homan William Simpfendorfer Julia Thomas Chay Neumeyer Jaxson Gutowski Natalie Jansky Adelaide Rowell Isaac Eilmes Takaya Montez De Oca Shelby Lashley Ty Leonard Jeth Fogg Hannah Miller Faith Evans Hannah Brown CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN 1580 E. Cheyenne Mountain Blvd. Colorado Springs , CO 80906 719.579.9150 INT 23 ROTARY Liberty Rampart Widefield Cheyenne MT Liberty Discovery Canyon Coronado Cheyenne MT Liberty Palmer Ridge Lewis Palmer Doherty Palmer Ridge Discovery Canyon Doherty Coronado Palmer Ridge Cheyenne MT Cheyenne MT TIONAL Palmer Lewis Palmer Coronado Thomas MacLaren Palmer Ridge Liberty Liberty Boy's Basketball Girl's Basketball Football Boy's Lacrosse Boy's Cross Country Girl's Cross Country Girl's Soccer Girl's Tennis Ice Hockey Baseball Boy's Golf Girl's Golf Gymnastics Track & Field Girl's Girl's Swimming Track & Field Boy's Girl's Lacrosse Girl's Volleyball Boy's Swimming Boy's Tennis Wrestling Girl's Wrestling Boy's Boy's Soccer Field Hockey Softball Spirit IN BANK INBANK.COM FOME