Sieliday Gpen House Get your local, farm-grown, fresh cut trees, live trees, poinsettias, custom wreaths and more all in one stop! Cookies, Candy and Cider! ! Harding Nursery! Harding Nursery! $5 OFF $5 OFF Purchase of a Christmas Treeii Wreath Purchase $24.95 and up | Must present the coupon. One per person per household. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires Tuesday, I December 25, 2021. Must present the coupon. One per person per household. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires Tuesday, I ecember 25, 2021. Harding Nursery 721 N. Powers Blvd. 719.596.5712 Monday - Saturday 8am - 4:30pm. Sunday 9am - 4pm. Open Fridays until 5pm through the Holiday Season! Sieliday Gpen House Get your local, farm-grown, fresh cut trees, live trees, poinsettias, custom wreaths and more all in one stop! Cookies, Candy and Cider! ! Harding Nursery! Harding Nursery! $5 OFF $5 OFF Purchase of a Christmas Treeii Wreath Purchase $24.95 and up | Must present the coupon. One per person per household. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires Tuesday, I December 25, 2021. Must present the coupon. One per person per household. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires Tuesday, I ecember 25, 2021. Harding Nursery 721 N. Powers Blvd. 719.596.5712 Monday - Saturday 8am - 4:30pm. Sunday 9am - 4pm. Open Fridays until 5pm through the Holiday Season!