Chance Henderson, MD Orthopedic Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence Expands Practice: Welcome Dr. Henderson! At Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence, our team includes one of the most experienced hand and upper extremity doctors in all of Colorado Springs; Dr. Chance Henderson. Dr. Henderson is Fellowship-trained to treat hand and microvascular conditions. This focus allows him to dedicate more time to hand-specific research, patient education, and new complex and minimally invasive surgical techniques. Dr. Henderson understands the intricacies of the hand and is dedicated to providing quality, state-of-the-art care for a wide range of conditions involving the hand and upper extremities. Starting appointments in November. Call to schedule with Dr. Henderson today! U.S. OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC TRAINING CENTER Colorade Center f Orthoyardie Eerillemee COLORADO SPRINGS THE CENTER on t OCCoap Caners ef calarada, LLe Official Orthopaedic Medicine Provider 2925 Professional PI, Ste 201, Colorado Springs, cO 80904 (719) 623-1050 CCOE.US Chance Henderson, MD Orthopedic Hand & Upper Extremity Specialist Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence Expands Practice: Welcome Dr. Henderson! At Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence, our team includes one of the most experienced hand and upper extremity doctors in all of Colorado Springs; Dr. Chance Henderson. Dr. Henderson is Fellowship-trained to treat hand and microvascular conditions. This focus allows him to dedicate more time to hand-specific research, patient education, and new complex and minimally invasive surgical techniques. Dr. Henderson understands the intricacies of the hand and is dedicated to providing quality, state-of-the-art care for a wide range of conditions involving the hand and upper extremities. Starting appointments in November. Call to schedule with Dr. Henderson today! U.S. OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC TRAINING CENTER Colorade Center f Orthoyardie Eerillemee COLORADO SPRINGS THE CENTER on t OCCoap Caners ef calarada, LLe Official Orthopaedic Medicine Provider 2925 Professional PI, Ste 201, Colorado Springs, cO 80904 (719) 623-1050 CCOE.US