COMMON SENSE LEADERSHIP FOR WOODLAND PARK SCHOOLS Mick Bates TUT David Millingworth OUR WOODLAND PARK SCHOOL TEAM David Bingworth Cassie Kimbrell cassie Kimbrell Protect Parental Rights Renew Focus On Academic Success Put Children First Mick Bates Faid for by Citizens for a Vibrant Woodland Park Not authorized by any candidate Registered Agent: Bill Baber Increase School Choice Attract & Retain The Best Teachers CA sayy Wood Park COMMON SENSE LEADERSHIP FOR WOODLAND PARK SCHOOLS Mick Bates TUT David Millingworth OUR WOODLAND PARK SCHOOL TEAM David Bingworth Cassie Kimbrell cassie Kimbrell Protect Parental Rights Renew Focus On Academic Success Put Children First Mick Bates Faid for by Citizens for a Vibrant Woodland Park Not authorized by any candidate Registered Agent : Bill Baber Increase School Choice Attract & Retain The Best Teachers CA sayy Wood Park