SPECIAL EVENT U.S. OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC TRAINING CENTER COLORADO SPNGS SPACE LIMITED ortcial Ormopaedic Medioine Provider Do you suffer from neck or back pain? Get the information you need to know what your options for treatment are. At Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence, we offer doctor lead informational talks to help you discover your treatment options. This May we are featuring Dr. Douglas Crowther, one of the most experienced cutting-edge spine doctors in all of Colorado Springs, as he speaks about minimally invasive spine surgery and motion preservation. Douglas Crowther, DO Orthopedic Spine Specialist Come hear him speak on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 pm at our south office. Topic: Robotic Assisted Spine Surgery Disc Replacement Endoscopic Microdiscectomy Minimally invasive lumbar fusion Event Details Thursday, May 19th Beginning 5:30 pm CCOE South Location: 1263 Lake Plaza Dr, Ste 210 B Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Space is limited, please email Joshua.Heermanseocc-ortho.com or call (303) 653-5492 to reserve your spot. CCOE.US SPECIAL EVENT U.S. OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC TRAINING CENTER COLORADO SPNGS SPACE LIMITED ortcial Ormopaedic Medioine Provider Do you suffer from neck or back pain? Get the information you need to know what your options for treatment are. At Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence, we offer doctor lead informational talks to help you discover your treatment options. This May we are featuring Dr. Douglas Crowther, one of the most experienced cutting-edge spine doctors in all of Colorado Springs, as he speaks about minimally invasive spine surgery and motion preservation. Douglas Crowther, DO Orthopedic Spine Specialist Come hear him speak on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 pm at our south office. Topic: Robotic Assisted Spine Surgery Disc Replacement Endoscopic Microdiscectomy Minimally invasive lumbar fusion Event Details Thursday, May 19th Beginning 5:30 pm CCOE South Location: 1263 Lake Plaza Dr, Ste 210 B Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Space is limited, please email Joshua.Heermanseocc-ortho.com or call (303) 653-5492 to reserve your spot. CCOE.US