G6 GroovyTek believes people over 40 are being mistreated and ignored by Silicon Valley. Groovy Tek takes a personalized approach anchored in respect and patience to help folks become confident navigating personal technology on their own terms. 9 Groovylek comes to you!! IN-HOME AND OVER THE PHONE PERSONAL TRAINING FOR SMARTPHONES, TABLETS & COMPUTERS! 719-941-9000 WWW.GROOVYTEK.COM INTRODUCING THE 3 FOR 2 PROGRAMas I was pleased with the whole GroovyTek experience. I scheduled at my convenience, paid in my medium of choice, and experienced a most Over the years, GroovyTek has leamed a great deal about the state of technology education in our society and the frustrations related to personal technology (smartphones tablets and computers). encouraging trainer. I had a few notes about what I wanted to cover, and each area was addressed as well as some sidelines. I was delighted to find out a GT trainer can accompany me to purchase new hardware or negotiate with a new camer. With the flexible purchase options, I am happy to work future sessions in my schedule and Frustrations appear to be rooted in a lack of own terms, Further, GroovyTek has learned that often people are made to feel "stupid when asking family members or others tech related questions. As a result, GroovyTek has developed a three session program with a proven track record to budget. Thanks to GroovyTek, I don't feel like such a dinosaur in this age of speeding technology. Thanks for recognizing that there are many of us willing and able to learn in the right enable folks to enter a new comfort zone with environment1I Carolann W Denver, CO ENDS TODAY! BOOK TOOAY SOHEDULE AT YOUR CONVENENCE Try the Groovyfak 3 for 2 and seo whst the pram cen do for oud READ MORE OF OUR REVIEWS ON GOOGLE OR THE BBB